One of my favorite parts of creating wedding maps is the chance to see different locations, neighborhoods and cities across the United States and beyond. Recently I had a project that took part in the Big Apple. It was a lot of fun to do a map based in New York City. There are so many iconic things about the city that make it really interesting visually.

One of the locations on the map that they wanted to be included was Old Yankee Stadium. I thought it would be cute to include the Frank Sinatra song "New York, New York" that is sung after the Yankees win. I'm pretty sure I had the song stuck in my head the whole time that I worked on the map. I would never complain about Sinatra but my husband might complain about me singing Sinatra :)
This is really cute. I understand, Sinatra's New York New York was the last song we played at our wedding because of the Yankees :)