I am all about the link ups right now to help me find my blogging groove again. Really I don't need to find a groove I just need to find more TIME to blog. Such is life as a mom. Link it up!
Everybody loves Fall. I love it too, not being a hater, but if I was another holiday/season I think that I wouldn't exactly be "liking" Fall's Facebook page sine Fall gets all the love and spring and say Easter are kind of "meh" in the popularity contest. Just about every blog I come across is talking about fall, pumpkin spice lattes and knee boots. I had my one pumpkin spice latte and I'm good for the rest of the year, I would rather have a chocolate pumpkin muffin truth be told. I just want fall weather and fall leaves. And Halloween. And a side of Thanksgiving. Those are my holidays. Spooky, candy, good food and pretty colors. That is how I roll.
In spirit (oh I'm puny) of all things fall let us talk about this lovely handbag.
It is Dooney & Bourke's Disney bag for the season and it is inspired by Disney's Haunted Mansion.
And it wants to come and live with me.
I wish.
I love this bag. I love that from a distance it just looks like a nice print and then up close you realize that it is the wallpaper from the Haunted Mansion. And that just happens to be my favorite ride at Disney World. See? It was like we were meant to be together like some cheesy boy band song says or something. Only thing that I don't like about this bag is it's price. And since I need a much larger bag to carry all of Lucy's my stuff and because I'm too cheap saving for our future house fund this just wouldn't really work for me when it comes to day to day needs.
But a girl can dream. And drool. And wish that she was holding this little lovely while going on the Haunted Mansion ride at Disney.
I identify myself as an optimist. I can't help but smile when I see the picture above. I suppose it could be a litmus test of optimism because I can't help but want to cheer the elephant on. I have a theory that most everything that I needed to learn in life I learned as a Girl Scout. One of the things I learned there, besides never handing someone a knife or scissors with the sharp end or the importance of checking the bathroom with a good flashlight at night, is that when you go camping you leave your campsite better then when you found it. I like the idea of leaving things better then the way that I found them. About bringing my gifts and talents and using them to make something better. Not perfect, just better. I saw this video below and at the part where Oprah tells host Andy Cohen that he "carries the light" I couldn't help but think about what an awesome compliment that was, and not just because it is Oprah, and how that was what I would hope people would say about me. Click the link below.
Watch Watch What Happens Live Season 10 | Oprah's Encycl-O-pedia
(Sorry that I couldn't get the video to load on to my page!)
Lucy is just so much fun right now. She has her off times but in general I feel like I almost can't keep up with her with how fast she is changing and the things she is learning. My jaw has dropped multiple times when she did something I had no idea that she was capable of yet. We were in the bathroom together and she grabbed her shampoo and started putting it towards her head and I said "Yes! Yay Lucy, that is right we do use that to wash our hair". The she touched her hair. I asked her again "Where is your hair?" BOOM. No problem mom, I've got this one. Mind blown. Daily.
I love Bethenny Frankel. She created Skinnygirl cocktails, aka my "Mommy Juice" and for that I will forever be indebted to her. I love her books, love her sass and super honest attitude. I love her yoga dvd and food advice.
I'm not loving her talk show though. I can't tell you how much I really really want to love her talk show but I just don't. I'm planning on sticking with it though because I really hope that it does find a rhythm that I can get on board with. I got your back girl.

I DO love fall but my birthday is in the fall so ever since I was little fall has always been my favorite season! Not sure when or how fall became the fun trendy popular season.
ReplyDeleteHow old is your daughter? My daughter is fourteen months and I feel the same way. I feel like she's learning something new every day and I'm constantly blown away by how fast she's changing. It's so exciting and bittersweet!
ReplyDeleteShe is 13 months this week. They are growing and changing at the speed of light right now!